

Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 5, 2015

I'm old, huh? ;)

My birthday this year was so much more fun!!!  We had great food, great company and a great time!  We had lunch with the Hurst's.  Then diinner with the Dawson family!  It was a blast.  :)  Sister Dawson is taking us to the LA temple this Friday, so we look forward to that.  I have missed the temple.  

Some exciting things:

A less active we teach has been struggling a lot with pretty much everything.  We had a lesson with her on Friday evening.  She was so attentive and very engaged in the lesson.  It was the greatest lesson we'e ever had with her.  She is usually with another less active who really overpowers everyone during lessons.  So it was fantastic to be able to meet with her alone!  It obvioiusly helped!  Because yesterday she shared her testimony during sacrament meeting and it is so sweet and powerful.  She talked about prayer and how great of a difference it makes in her life.  It was awesome!

Another one.  Karla.  Her name and address was on a sticky note in our area book.  We didn't know anything else about her.  So about a month and a half ago we went to the address looking for her.  She opened the door and we invited her to church.  She told us she had just recently had the desire to come back to church but didn't know where to go or when.  (She hasn't been to church since she was like 10 and she is about 26 now).  It was amazing!  We were thankful that we were led to her home and found her because ever since that day she has been coming to church every Sunday.  She has so many connections with people in the ward too.  It is awesome!!

Thank you so much for the package!!  Hahaha, loved the empty phone box ;)  I also got the CD, it is a really good CD.  Thank you so much for that.  We always love new music.  

The days here are short.  I wake up and I am dead tired.  I wake up at 6:30 and think, "Oh my gosh.  I have to wait 16 hours until I can go back to sleep."  Sometimes it brings tears to my eyes only because I am so tired.  I get going and then some how it is already 9 pm and we are planning the next day.  I don't know where the day has gone.  I go to bed so tired.  Being spiritually worn out is far greater than being physically worn out.  Outside of the mission I didn't need so much sleep, but I think it's because I wasn't so spiritually drained.  The mission is the greatest spiritual draining I have ever felt in my life.  I can only relate it to the fatigue you feel after a session at the temple.  And even then you may not even be too tired.  

Someone asked me yesterday what the greatest missionary moment was for me.  I didn't feel I could answer it in the way she was expecting.  Only because I feet that for a lot people, they think the greatest missionary moments for missionaries are baptizing people.  That is not the case.  I told her something along the lines of this, "You know, the mission has not so much been about really baptizing many people or even seeing great, miraculous things.  My mission has been about me, converting me.  The greatest convert on my mission has been me, my mission has been about planting seeds.  Finding people and at least beginning the process of their progression in the gospel.  And helping those that have been lost along the way.  I love helping less active members come back.  I've seen a lot of that.  My mission has been a refiners fire.  Most things seem to have gone wrong.  But I have seen things have actually gone right the entire time.  The refiners fire is about enduring.  Not only enduring, but enduring well.  Enduring means happily and joyfully serving until the end.  Learning these things have been the greatest moments in my mission."  And I truly feel that way.  

I know our purpose as missionaries is to invite others to come unto Christ.  I know that is what I am doing.  I know that is what we are all doing!  Inviting others to come until Christ includes myself, my companion, other missionaries I serve with, less active members, members in the wards in which I serve, and all of the investigators.  So everyone!  I am confident that we all play a special part in the Lord's work.  He has called us for our strengths.  He knows my strengths, He knows who needs me and He knows who I need.  

I love being here!  Yes, I am still bugged by those thoughts of, "Dang, I could be home right now."  "I could be sleeping still if I was at home."  And all that goes along with that, but I know where those thoughts come from.  I know those tricks.  Those thoughts and wants are what will give me temporary gratification.  My desire to be here and serve are what give me the everlasting and eternal blessings.  And I know being here helps me become my best self.  

Thank you for all of the happy birthday wishes.  I can't believe I am 21!!  I am excited to see what this next year brings.  I hope you have a great week!  


Hermana Ah Mu

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