

Sunday, March 23, 2014

February 24, 2014

Here's a portion of my letter to President, just so that you can get a feel of our teaching pool right now...

"Erik, he came to church!  That will be his 5 time, we know he is so amazing.  We taught him about recognizing the spirit.  He seemed to really enjoy that.  We thought it would help him more and help him better find answers to his prayers.  We also taught him about the Liahona.  How the Book of Mormon is like our own modern day Liahona.  He really liked that.  He does so well at reading often.  Which is awesome.  

We taught a couple less active members in our ward.  Lance is about 20 or 21 and Cory is 18.  They are letting us teach them the lessons. They are trying to come back to church because they really want to go to BYU-I.  And so we taught them the Restoration this week.  They seemed to really like it.  They were able to ask any questions they had.  We seemed to have talked about some things that they didn't ever even think of before, so that was neat to see them thinking about it.  They are great, I think that they want to come back to church, but just don't really know exactly how to do it.  We hope to be helping them with that.

Karen, right when we sat down we asked, "So, how are you?"  She said, "Well.  I'm kind of sad."  We asked her why.  Karen and her whole family are probably moving to Washington.  They've been thinking about moving there for a while.  She said Carlos (Her husband) wants to because it is so expensive to live here in Solvang and there are lots of job opportunities out there now.  I am pretty sad.  I totally understand why they need to move, I just don't want to see her leave.  She is so amazing!  They would be leaving in the middle of March.  And she still hasn't come to church because of her fears in bringing the baby.  I just hope that we can get her new address and send missionaries over ASAP.  I don't want her to stop meeting with missionaries.  We did go over Moroni 8 with her!  It was good.  I think it was a good way to teach her more about authority.  

We taught Andy.  He is doing fantastic!  He has been reading the Book of Mormon everyday!  And ever since he started reading he has been a lot more healthy.  Before he was drinking a ton of Red Bulls.  And he said he just feels so much better without that in his system.  And he has felt more spiritual strength.  The Book of Mormon is just such a powerful book.  I love how much it changes others lives, including mine.  I have really seen the value and importance of reading it everyday myself!  I am able to testify of it in a more powerful way.  And I really can truly bear testimony of the importance and blessings of reading it daily. 

We taught Danny and Kathy.  We actually watched the Restoration with them.  They liked it.  But Danny, especially, doesn't like the fact that the gold plates are not here any more.  He has a lack of faith.  We tried to explain to him the importance of faith on his part and that that is the only way he can know.  He still is not convinced.  He said he will try to read and pray about it.  We hope that he can really know for himself the truthfulness of our message.  We know it will help him and his family so much!  

We taught our new investigator Rafael.  He is so cool!  We sat down with him for a lesson and as soon as we did he pointed to the Book of Mormon and said, "That is a beautiful book.  I read a bit of it.  It is really nice."  It was so cool!  We left him with one our last visit and so to hear that he had read it!  Oh!  It made us so happy.  We taught him the rest of the Restoration.  He really liked it.  And we have another appointment on Saturday.  We are excited to see how his reading and praying goes.  I really think he has a ton of potential.  I can tell he has a sincere heart.  I love it!

I just love this work.  It is a glorious work to be a part of.  I know that I am called of God, and that helps me everyday.  I have seen how much it helps me to remember who I am.  As long as I remember who I am, I am able to do so much!  It's amazing to me that we are missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!  There is so much power in that statement.  I always try to remember it."

I am doing well.  It is a beginning to a new transfer....I am STAYING in Solvang!! :D  Yayyy!!  My companions are ever so kind to remind me that I hit my halfway mark this transfer...EW :P

But!  Hermana Howell and Hermana Prestgard will be companions in the other area, while I will be staying in my area with Hermana Schmidt.  I do not know who she is...so I can't help but think she is going to hate me.  Hahaha, you know how it is.  Now I have to get used to being with another person!  But no, for real, it's going to be great!  I'm excited!  All I know is she has been out just one transfer longer than me.  I know this is all so inspired, I have lots to learn from Hermana Schmidt, I'm sure.  I always learn a ton from my companions...so bring it on! :D  I am pretty excited for this transfer though.  It's zone conference this transfer!! :D

i was lucky to receive a letter from Elder Jon Erickson!! :D  Haha, love that guy!  It is seriously so fun to hear from the people from Blue Springs.  I was wondering if I could get a hold of Kristen Marsey some how??  And Jen Brown??  Anyway, those are just thoughts.  

i hope you all have a fantastic week.  Love you all.  

Hermana Ah Mu

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