

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Hola! Como esta??
We had a good week.  We always feel like we do so much, but not enough!  There is so much to be done, and we don't ever get it all done haha. 
We had an appointment with this woman named Aliza.  She is pretty great, she is elderly.  Her husband is very sick.  And we know that this gospel would really help her get through it all.  I think I met her the first week I got here, and then she went to Mexico for a while.  We have finally regained contact with her, to a certain extent.  She will let us come in, we have great lessons with her, and then we'll schedule an appointment with her.  And she won't be home for the appointment.  We aren't really too sure why.  But we are just persistent. 
We met with Maria.  She is very Catholic, but she has been reading and studying the Book of Mormon.  She loves it, she says it is true.  We kept going over the Restoration with her, she loves it all.  But then we invite her to baptism and she doesn't accept, she says she will never be baptized.  It's interesting, but we don't want to give up on her. 
We met with an investigator name Manuel.  He is actually Gilberto's brother (an investigator we handed off to the zone leaders).  We teach an English class every week, but our appointment was just before the class.  We had been running late, and we were walking up to the door of Manuel.  Hermana Corniea says, "Hermana.  We can't have a lesson, we are going to be late to the English class."  I felt very strongly that we HAD to stay and have a lesson if he was home.  Manuel was in fact home, and so we did have a lesson with him.  It was miraculous actually.  We sat down, the TV was on, it was rather crazy really.  Lots of people and I just knew that what was on TV was not good just by the sounds, I refused to look.  I am glad I refused, I was actually thinking to myself, "Ugh, maybe I was wrong to think we should come in here and do a lesson..."  Because the spirit could not make it's way into that room.  (Those brief moments without the spirit make me sick and feel alone.  It's crazy how receptive we are to the spirit, and how quickly it can be gone.  I never want the Holy Ghost to leave because of my personal decisions, ever).  But Manuel automatically asked them to turn it off.  After they turned it off he told them, "Hey, listen to the word of God with me."  They ignored and left.  But just within seconds it went from craziness to silent peace.  The environment was inviting of the spirit, that is always important!!  We told him that his brother was getting baptized, and that he should come.  He said okay.  Hermana Corniea started teaching the Restoration...but I just KNEW without a doubt that we needed to teach him the Gospel.  So I started teaching him the Gospel hahaha and he asked, "So what does someone have to do in order to be baptized?"  We taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He said, "Hmm.  How long does it usually take for someone to be ready for baptism?"  "Well, it is different for every person."  "How long would it take me?"  "Well, we would have to teach you and see what happens."  "Yes, I have a lot to learn, but can I get baptized?"  "Yes, but we can help you.  How about we make a goal?"  He agreed!!  We set him with a date.  He pretty much asked us if he could be baptized.  It was amazing.  We said a prayer with him and left him with the Restoration pamphlet to read.  And we ended up being on time to our English class.  It was pretty amazing.  The spirit was there.  We are thankful that we were willing to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  So inspired!  Afterwards Hermana Corniea and I couldn't say anything all the way to the car.  And the first thing she said was, "Dang. I'm glad you made me agree to do a lesson with him tonight."  We were in awe.  It was awesome.  We are just so thankful to be able to help him, we know that he will be so happy.  I can already see him at church, and getting baptized!  He'd be sooo happy.
We had a pretty awesome Stake Conference.  I really really enjoyed both sessions.  The adult session was very, very good.  This stake!!  What an amazing stake it is!!  They are SO focused on missionary work, it is not even funny!  The first presidency actually sent out a letter to all stake presidents saying the adult sessions of stake conference must be focused on the hastening of the work.  It's pretty amazing.  I know that members and missionaries must work together as ONE.  Something that was said in the conference was, "Too often missionaries are looked at differently, like they are totally different than us."  Yes.  We are missionaries.  Yes we live without TV, music, movies, etc.  But we are members of the same church.  We are regular people.  And we do want to interact with members, we do want to work together!!  They really focused on inviting everyone to preach the gospel to their friends.  Both the Saturday night session and the Sunday session were ALL (literally ALLLLL) about member missionary work.  That's big.  Also, each family was invited to invite one person to come to church and take lessons from the missionaries.  It was cool.  I've said that in our stake there are 12 wards, right?  Well, every ward sets aside the 4th Sunday to be focused on la obra misional (missionary work!).  And as you all can see...Sunday is in fact the 4th Sunday.  I am speaking this Sunday in our ward.  This is my first talk in Spanish...I pray that I may be able to be understood and speak well.  Please pray for me.  It stresses me haha.  I'd rather give a talk in English, but I know this will help me. 
Also.  Transfers.  It has been a different sort of weekend.  Hermana Bollwinkel got her VISA to Argentina.  She is leaving Wednesday.  I am very happy and excited for her.  But I am pretty bummed too.  I love her.  She is an Hermana that lives with us, but serves in a dfferent ward.  She has been such an example to me.  I love her A TON.  Haha, she has kept me sane.  She and I wanna room together at BYU after our missions, she has the same expectations as to what a clean house and kitchen is as I have.  I like that.  Hhaha.  She is just!  AHH.  She is one of my best friends, she knows me and understands me.  She and I are opposites...but not.  I really believe we make friends that will last a LIFETIME while on missions.  Even though she is going to Argentina, I really believe she was here for this short time because Heavenly Father knew I would need her example.  I love her!!
Hermana Prestgard (Bollwinkey's comp.)  Is going to Solvang!!  (Tell sister Dianna Smith that I may possibly serve there one day, she'd been wondering about that).  That does mean She is moving from Spanish to English for a while, that will be hard.  But she will do FANTASTIC.  I have loved Hermana Prestgard, she was always there to provide ice cream, chocolate, and well you know, all my favorite guilty pleasures.  She is always striving to be so so obedient and she wants to be the best missionary she can be.  I love that.
Hermana Corniea.  She!!!!  Is leaving me for Paso Robles (Like 5 or 6 hours AWAY)  :C  I have really loved working with her.  I truly love her.  I do believe that if you don't love your companion then you're doing something wrong!  Things were perfect, but we learned how to work together and to do things together.  I love her, she always tried to be the companion I needed!!  But I knew she was, she taught me that being selfless really is important.  She has been VERYYYY patient with me.  I know I am not the easiest to live with, but she had the patience to bear my presence haha.  And I always knew she loved me and cared about my well bing.  She always wanted me to be the best that I could be.  I am thankful for the things she taught me.  I will remember her forever.
Now.  Me.  I am............................STAYING in Oxnard!!!  Yayyyyy!!!   I am in a trio starting tomorrow.  I am with Hermana Hardy (she has been out a while now, I think atleast 6 transfers?) and then she and I are training!!  I would much rather just say she's trianing me again...but that wouldn't be the truth.  Haha.  Being in a trio will be quite intersting...I never could have predicted that!  I am anxious to see how it goes, what they will be like.  I kinda wanna cry sometimes.  Haha, but oh well, that's what we girls do I guess...I know this is what Heavenly Father wants.  I know I am here for a reason.
I love being a missionary.  I can't say it enough.  Thanks for all the prayers.  I love you. 
Hermana Ah Mu
PS No skirts yet...hopefully soon mom.  Thank you so much I love you and the family so much.  Have a GREAT week.  I'll try to write y'all a letter. 

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