

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sept 22, 2013

Not much to say this week.  We have been trying to visit more ward members.  Which is really really nice.  I have been wanting to get to know more of the ward members.  I really love our ward.  It is fantastic.  The members are the greatest.  A plus that goes along with visiting members is that they ALWAYS make us eat with them.  :)  We love food.  LOVE IT.  Hahaha.  So it's really fun to just sit down and eat with them.  I really think these are the most generious people I have ever met.  They would give you everything they had if you needed help.  I never knew there could be people as nice as this.  Missionaries really are taken care of! 
Yesterday was interesting.  Literally 5 minutes before Sacrament started I was asked to speak for 10 minutes about how I prepared for my mission, and what others can do to prepare.  Do you understand how crazy this was?  It had to be in Spanish!  10 minutes?!  I really almost threw up.  You can ask my companion.  Bishop came over to me and said, "Ah Mu!  No.  You are NOT speaking today, I am making the zone leaders speak.  That's what they're here for.  You will speak next month."  Hahaha.  I have never.  Ever felt so much relief in my entire life.  I get to play the hymns in Sacrament meeting.  I work with the conductor to figure out music.  Sad thing is, we saw the program and the hymns that we picked out were no where on the program.  It was changed.  I would have attempted to play the hymns in the program, but I really didn't know them!  Some how I spoke enough spanish with one of the bishopric members to change it!  Talk about hard...hahaha.  We then went to Primary for the 2nd hour.  I love it so much.  But we have noticed that the children are like noodles.  We have worked it out with Vero (The primary president).  We (Hna. Corniea and I) are in charge of Primary next week.  Vero is very excited...let's hope we don't let them down.  We are helping them to get ready for the program, and this will help everyone know what to do.  (alot of the members that work in primary are converts so they don't know what primary is really supposed to be like).  Don't get me wrong though, it is pretty darn good considering the situation they're in.  But yes, the kids listen to us.  So next week will be very interesting!  I'm excited!  It'll remind me of the good ole days in Primary when I was a helper ;)  Haha.
Many, if not all of you will be VERY surprised to hear that I have been eating fish...Call me a picky eater if you want.  But I never liked fish.  Still don't love it.  But I am eating it.  And I have had some fish that really doesn't taste too bad.  Oh!  Guess what else??  I had boiled pig skin on Saturday.  It is very interesting actually.  Not too bad on tostadas.  :)  Yum.  It's actually pretty good.  Weird texture, almost like gelitan, but not. And they kind of look like chopped onions.  It's good though.  I won't ever turn them down :) 
We got to have interviews with President Castro.  It was THE best!!  Some people were nervous.  But I wasn't.  I really like President.  He is awesome.  The interview made me feel better.  Like I was actually doing a great job.  At the beginning he said, "Alright, before we really get started I have a question for you."  Paused for what seemed like a life time.  "How are you so cheerful all the time?"  Hahaha, me?  I was surprised he asked that.  But it's good to know that he can see the positivity I've been working for.  He also said many other things that made me know that I am doing well.  It was nice.
That's really it.  Sorry.  Not much else to say.  Other than it was a different week.  Haha.
Have a fantastic week y'all.  Tell Ashley I'm sad I missed that baby shower.  Laura, YOU BETTER SEND ME A WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT :)
Hermana Ah Mu

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