

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Great week

Sept 29, 2013

This was a pretty good week.  There is so much work to do, it's so great.  We have had many appointments not go through.  That's always a disappointment.  Again, we had multiple everyday this week.  But for some reason people forget or get busy.  I'm not sure why, but we will just keep visiting!  They need the gospel and they will be happier with it in their lives. 
We have an investigator, Carmen.  She is Gilberto's sister.  This week we watched the Testaments with her.  It went so well!  At the end the spirit is so strong.  She asked, "So.  You really believe Jesus Christ came here?"  We said yes of course!  And she asked us, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"  We said, "Exactly.  And that's why we are sharing it with you."  She is praying about baptism, she said she would come to church, but didn't come yesterday.  That was a bummer, but we will see what happened this Wednesday. 
We had the General Relief Society Broadcast!  It was so awesome.  I really, really enjoyed it.  I loved how there was this common theme of keeping covenants.  The talks were fantastic.  I loved President Monson's talk.  He talked about how "fear replaces faith."  I love that, because it is SO true!  As missionaries, it could be easy to get scared to walk up to people and talk to them, or even feel awkward.  But, if we just have faith, that fear will go away.  I also loved how President Monson really emphasized how much God loves us.  And that we have not been placed on this earth to walk alone.  That is not at all what it is supposed to be like here.  We have Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father.  I loved it!  It was all just so stinkin great!!!  I LOVE GENERAL CONFERENCE.
Hermana Corniea.  She is just fantastic.  She and I are really feeling great about everything and we are working hard.  But our key indicators don't show that as well.  That just shows us that we need to do better.  We realize we need to do a lot better with many things.  So this week, we are hoping to see many miracles and much accomplished.  I can't wait.  And neither can she. 
In our apartment Hermana Bollwinkel and Hermana Prestgard live with us.  I love it, but I have noticed a lot within this last week especially there has been so much negativity.  I'm not a huge fan of negative comments.  Haha, so I told everyone that we are NOT allowed to say anything negative!  It doesn't help anyone.  It never makes anyone feel better and we have too much to be happy about.  I hope that this week there is a difference.  I know our apartment with feel better to be in once there isn't so much negativity. 
We taught Primary yesterday!!  :D  It went very very well actually.  Many interesting things happened in there...haha.  The teachers left.  So it was Vero (Primary president) and her two daughters (YW age).  And also the secretary.  It was interesting.  Haha.  It all went great though.  And now the kids are learning what Primary needs to be like.  They're usually talking and walking around.  It was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen.  Haha, the chairs were every where.  And that's not how primary starts, the chairs are always in nice straight rows.  But the kids move them.  It's crazy.  But yesterday, ooo We made them stop and look at the chairs at the end. I said, "Okay.  What's going on with these chairs?!"  The kids sit and look at me with big eyes. "Why are they like this?!"  one kids says, "Because we move them."  "WHY do you move them?"  "because we're walking around."  "Exactly.  Don't.  No more walking around, this isn't how it started is it?"  "No."  "Yeah, next week Hermana Vero will watch for this and there should be rows, okay?"  I'm sure some of them hate us now, but they need to learn how to act!  And there's not much help.  Obispo wants us to teach every 5th Sunday Haha.  I felt like such an adult...but now I understand why adults do the things they do.  Like I would make boys sit by girls, ooo I hated that when I was in primary, but it works!!! 
Well.  That's about it for the week.  THis week is going to be FANTASTIC I know it!! :)  Tell Ashley and Ollie that I NEED pictures when they have the baby.  I NEED to know all the details ASAP!  Even when my neice is born...you should just call the mission office and tell them to tell me.  They won't care.  I need to know her name!  Haha, I'm just too darn excited!  Thanks for the support.  Did the beehives get my letter?  I sent it to Deb Colby.  I know that they will love it, it's all in Spanish! 
Have a good week y'all!!
Hermana Ah Mu

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