

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Church is true!!

I just have to write about how thankful I am for the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I love the Atonement, without it and Jesus Christ there is simply no point to life. The Atonement makes up the difference in my life. I am thankful for the knowledge that I am able to be forgiven of my sins if I sincerely repent. I am thankful for the knowledge that I am able to see all those that have passed on, I have been to a few funerals; It is nice to know that I will be able to see them again. I am so grateful that I am able to make the choice to be sealed to a husband of my own and be able to be with him and the rest of my family for eternity. I am thankful for temples. I know I've said this before, but I absolutely love going to the temple. I love going to church. I love my calling, being in Primary is just so great. The kids are wonderful, I love working with kids. I am thankful for the people that have been put in my life, and I know that most of the people in my life are there because of church. Without church I wouldn't know sooo many wonderful and amazing individuals. The best friends I have are people that I have met at church. Having the mutual beliefs and understanding of things makes us automatically that much closer. I was even at the mall one day with a BYU sweat shirt on and I got a tap on the shoulder. I turn around and it turns out to be an elderly couple and they told me how much they love BYU and asked what ward I was in. I'll be at work with my YW medallion on and someone will start talking to me about church. These kind of situations are fun because we could be total strangers but when we find out this mutual thing, we automatically are able to talk like we are good friends. I love it!! I love the scriptures, I get so many answers to questions that I have from them. It is seriously the best. I also love the insights and things I learn pretty much everyday from the scriptures. I am thankful for my family. My family is the best, they have seen me in just about every mood and state I have been in. They deal with all my emotions, whether it be angry and upset, or overwhelmingly happy and excited (I'm pretty sure either can be rather tiresome). But no matter what state I am in, they still love me. I learn so much from them. My parents are such great people. They have great advice, I feel closer to them now than I have ever been. I love that they will just sit down and watch a movie with me, just the 3 of us. I love spending time with them. It's not like we are perfect, we have our disagreements but I love them so much, and I know that they love me. I am thankful for parents that are strong in testimony. I am so thankful for soo much more!! I just can't put it all into words all at once, I guess it's good I have a blog so I can post thoughts and experiences when ever I'd like.

1 comment:

  1. We are all connected, I believe. No matter how much of a stranger we are to each other, we are connected still. And being involved in your church makes you even more connected to these strangers because you learn that, somehow, you have something in common. The things you learn from the scriptures is a good example of how you can communicate with these strangers and be more of a family to them.

    Cameron Silva
