

Thursday, September 11, 2014


So the title of this post pretty much says it all.  But I have to say that I am so thankful for this time I have had at home.  When I first figured out that I needed to come home to get everything taken care of I was falling apart.  I couldn't stand the thought of leaving my mission and coming home.  It seemed like a bad thing.  But while I was still a missionary I realized it could be a huge blessing and help me grow in ways that I couldn't on the mission.  I am so grateful I came home with that attitude.  It has saved me and helped me to be ready to go back.  I am grateful for the opportunity I have had to be home and to learn and grow.  As I have said multiple times, this has been a blessing in disguise.  

I am grateful for my family and the huge support they have been and always will be for me.  They have helped me get to this point.  I couldn't do all of this without them.  I am grateful for the many opportunities I had to go to the temple and to serve with the Sisters in my ward and in the Primary of my ward!!  That has been such a great joy to me, getting to hang out with those kids helped me a lot!!  I am thankful for my dear friend Colton Bell!!  Sister Bell is my best friend and helped me remain positive while being here at home.  And she always let me hang out with her and her family.  I love that family a ton!! :)  

I hope that the experiences that I have had here at home will help me become a better servant of the Lord.  I hope that I can be a better instrument in His hands and bring the gospel to many more lives.  I love my mission, I definitely don't consider this time at home a break from my mission.  It is a part of it.  Being here wasn't always very easy.  But that is just like being on a mission!  I am so excited to go back to California (I'm thankful for the wonderful timing as well...it has been freezing here today!!).  

I know that Heavenly Father has a very specific plan for all of us, and I know this has been a part of His plan for me.  If I could choose to take this experience away and stay out there, I wouldn't.  Because I needed this.  And I just know it was the will of God.  I know that He now wants me back in California.  I can't wait to be back in the Great California Ventura Mission again.  I know I have amazing leaders and missionaries there that will be great support to me out there.  It will be awesome to work with everyone again.  

Mom will post my emails here just like before!!  

- Hermana Ah Mu -

Thursday, September 4, 2014

To keep myself occupied...

So!  I have been trying to stay busy while being at home...because I can't have a job I needed to find a way to stay busy.  

My mom and I were in a thrift store and we found some old chairs!  I decided to redo them.  So, with the help of my parent's advice, tips, and efforts...here's the before and after.



Sunday, August 24, 2014

Patience is a virtue that I just don't have.

Okay.  So it was the greatest feelings to have all my paper work submitted to the church.  And to know that I will hopefully be able to return to my mission soon!!  But here's the problem: I have to wait for them to call me up and tell me about flight plans and things.  If anyone knows me well they would know I am not the most patient person in the world.  I'm sure this is another one of Heavenly Father's attempts in helping me to obtain patience.  Maybe it's helping me obtain patience in a small way...probably a very, VERY small way.  But of course slowly, but surely helping me.  Haha.  

I just have to say I love the church.  I love all of the many wonderful opportunities I have been given because of it.  And the wonderful people I have in my life because of it.  All of the things I have learned, all the things I do, really just everything.  Everything that I believe in is a huge blessing to me.  I'd love to say all that I am and all that I do is because of this church.  As much as I wish that were true, it just isn't.  Only because I know I can do better and try harder.  Sometimes I can lose the focus, just like any other person.  I always feel like there is something I can do better, I can always be more kind.  I can always be more helpful to others.  I can always be better.  That's what this life is all about.  Continually getting better.  I can't say it perfectly, but I love the saying, "This gospel is to help bad men become good and good men to be better."  Something along those lines.  I can't even remember who said it...I'll edit this when I find out who...But that's what it is all about.  It truly is a perfect gospel for imperfect people.  I know that to be true.  I know I am so imperfect.  I am full of flaws.  But I am thankful for the goals and expectations I have because I am a member of this church.  

I hope I will be able to return to my mission.  Quickly.  I know that I can do more.  I want to do more!  God chooses the weak and simple to do His work.  (Okay and there are some pretty darn strong servants of His too).  But I know I am proof of His chosen weak and simple servants.  I have really learned a lot about that.  Ha!  There's so many things I just don't get.  I am so thankful for all that I am learning.  And will continue to learn.  I love this gospel.  I loved being able to get up everyday to share it with others all day, everyday.  I hope to be able to do it again! Soon!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Being gallbladder free is the BEST.

I am so happy I don't have a gallbladder any more.  It is just about the greatest thing after feeling the pain for so long.  

Things are going well, my paperwork was submitted to the Missionary Department last Friday.  So I am just waiting right now for them to respond.  I am hoping everything looks okay and that I can return soon!  I don't have much time left on the mission, just until mid-December.  I am hoping they will still let me go back.  I know I can still do more out there!! :)

As I am getting better it is easier to do more things.  Which is good, I just don't want to get too comfortable here at home.  So I am hoping the call will come soon.  

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I'm home...this is still unbelievable to me.


I can't get over the fact that I am home.  There are some things that just kill me!!

Trying to get on my missionary email account...a page pops up saying, "Your missionary email has been deactivated.  Thank you for your service as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints..."  Yeah.  That stunk. I knew it was going to happen...I just wasn't ready for that!

When people talk of "Alex came home early from her mission..."

And yes, still the words, "Wow!  18 months already?!"

Getting letters from the missionaries in the Great California Ventura Mission just asking about what is going on.

Having people from my mission telling me, "Oh, we heard from *blah blah blah* that you were at home now!"

I still don't have the desire to look through all my mission pictures.

I hate doing things on my own...going to the store, going shopping, etc.  I'm used to having a companion!  As inconvenient it was, I got used to it.  I don't want to get used to being alone because I'm still going back!

Mondays.  I love them, but they also make me kinda bummed.  That's the day I hear from all the missionaries I know!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Week #2 of being home.

A few things that I will remember from this weird situation I am in...

The fact that people think I am already finished with my mission and say to me, "Wow!  It's been 18 months already?!"  Ha.  No.  It has not been 18 months already...

After being on a mission for over a year, it drives me nuts to not have something to do every single second of everyday.  I don't have every minute of my day planned out, even if I really tried to plan it all out, it wouldn't work as it did on the mission.  Life off the mission is harder to plan.  Mission life is GO, GO, GO.  Now being home with pretty much no obligations, it's weird.  I don't have a job.  No school.  No official church calling.  Only doctors appointments and church.  That isn't much considering the fact that I only have a doctor's appointment like once a week.  (Not for long!).  

This will sound goofy, but every time I hear a swear word I am horrified!  Hahaha.  I feel like I should have always been horrified, but I wasn't.  It was normal to hear it out in public.  But after being a missionary, NO.  It's not normal.  It's never okay.

I do not find as much interest in the music I listened to before my mission.  Not all of it was bad, but there just isn't meaning to it.  I have been used to singing hymns everyday, where there is meaning in every word you sing.  

It is not as easy as I thought to do 2+ hours of study everyday.  Not only do I mean study, but I mean uninterrupted, quiet, in depth study of the scriptures, Preach My Gospel, talks, etc.  

Keeping the end goal of all of this is what keeps me going.  My goal is to get better as soon as possible and go back to the mission as soon as possible.  I am well on my way.  Which is good.  Turns out my gallbladder hasn't been functioning as well as it could have been.  So I am meeting with a general surgeon to figure out when to get it taken out.  

I just love my mission.  I miss being able to go out everyday, all day, and talk to people.  And share what we know to be true.  The friendships I made on my mission are like no other.  The common interest of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all unites people in a special way.  The blessings I have received from being a missionary are above that which I can count.  It is not even fair how much I received.  I feel like I don't deserve it.  But that is what happens when you serve Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, they bless you beyond imagination.  

It is not easy.  Not easy at all.  Don't ever let a returned missionary tell you the mission was easy, because it just isn't.  Missions are very difficult, and very draining.  Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally.  I found myself feeling like a failure more than I want to admit.  I felt like I was useless sometimes.  But then I would remind myself that I was being dumb for thinking that.  And that I was a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I was not a failure and I was not useless.  I was and still am on the Lord's side.  We receive so much help and guidance when in the service of God.  We can't afford to have it any other way.  

Our dear Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us so much.  They know us.  They know what they get themselves into when they give you a church calling, when you are called to be a missionary.  They already know we are imperfect, I had to remind myself of this a lot.  They know I am not going to do everything the way they would, but they know that if I do it myself I will grow.  They give us responsibilities so that we can grow.  And that is also why we have difficulties and trials.  They love us enough to give us those dark, dark times.  It absolutely kills them to see us in that state.  But they love us and want to help us become like them so that we can feel the same joy that they feel.  Those difficulties and trials that we encounter now help us to feel great joy and happiness in the world to come.  

I know these things are true.  

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Not much to say...

I have known I was going home for this silly illness for some time now.  I don't like it and never have, but I just knew.  I was just supposed to stay here for as long as I can.  I have seen little signs showing me I was still supposed to be here.  But now I can finally get this fixed and be BETTER so I can come back.

I want everyone to know I fully intend on returning to my mission as soon as possible.  I may be released.  But I plan to bring my mission to my home.  I will continue to do my studies everyday.  I will continue to have a district meeting of some sort.

I plan on going to the temple AS MUCH as possible.  Really I have many goals and things I'd like to talk about when we get home.  I know that you can help me a lot. 

I am not really happy about this, I am not excited to be away from my mission. But I think that I have come to the conclusion that this is a part of my mission.  I am supposed to learn something from this.  Something that I couldn't learn in any other way.  I'm sure there are multiple things I will learn.  I just wish I didn't have to learn it in this way.

Just as Jesus Christ asked if there was any other way, He was accepting of God's will.  I am trying to do the same.  This is just a transfer.  A very weird transfer.  I know it will be very, very hard.  But obviously Heavenly Father knows I can handle it.  So I will trust Him. 

One thing I heard President Castro say at our last meeting with the Castro's was, "It is God's will for you to finish your mission."  I know I am not done yet.  But if finishing my mission means getting this figured out at home so that I can come back and finish it, then I will do that.  I will finish my mission.  I don't want to make his a break in my mission, it is more of a bend.  I will not look at this as a vacation from my mission.  I don't want that.  I want to come back an even better, more effective missionary!  I know it can happen.

Here is a portion of President's letter to us this week, I loved it!

"Every morning I've been reading this quote from Elder Holland.  'The Savior wept and bled and died for you.  He has given everything for your happiness and salvation.  He certainly is not going to withhold help from you now!' 
We are His missionaries in the Great California Ventura Mission and He will help us."

I love that.  

I am jealous of all the missionaries that get to stay here with the Felix's and in this glorious work, but it's okay.  I will be back too.  I have a work to do in MO right now.  It better be a short period of time though...hahaha.

I am truly learning the significance of the phrase, "Come what may and love it." I want that same attitude.  And I am doing all I have in my power to have that mindset.

I will be back to the Great California Ventura Mission as a full-time missionary. 

Looks like I actually had lots to say!  Haha.  I am such a girl sometimes!!

See you soon.

Hermana Ah Mu

Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26, 2014

The work here is just MOVING ALONG!!  We are seeing sooo much!!
Here is part of my letter to president, just so you can get to know some of the people we are teaching...and how the work is going! :)

"We had a good week.

We taught Julio.  He is 17, from Honduras.  He speaks more Spanish than English and he has been wanting to go to church for a long time now.  He just hasn't known where to go.  We taught him the Restoration.  He just gets it, he understands it so well!  He has been really excited to read the Book of Mormon.  He loves having a Bible too.  Hermana Rubow and I know that he has such great potential and that he has been so prepared.

We taught Sara and Josue.  They are a nice, younger couple.  They have 2 kids and one on the way.  They were Catholic and converted to Christianity.  And now they are taking the lessons from us.  We taught the Restoration to them.  Sara has a very hard time with modern prophets.   And Josue has a lot of problems with the Book of Mormon.  He wants more physical evidence.  We explained that the only way they can resolve these problems they have is by reading the Book of Mormon.  By reading the Book of Mormon they will be able to know of the truthfulness of this message.  They didn't want to jump right into reading it, they said they would pray and ask Heavenly Father if they should read it and if He says yes, then they will start reading it.  

We taught Armando.  We had a great lesson on prayer.  He hasn't been comfortable with praying in front of us!  So we did a whole lesson on prayer.  He loved it.  It was really neat because baptism came up and we talked to him about what it is, the importance of baptism.  We invited him to be baptized on June 28.  He is praying about it and really is excited about it.  He said he is concerned about being ready, but we let him know that once he has a goal, we can strive for it.  Hermana Rubow and I know that he will be ready by then.  Armando was so prepared from the beginning.  He told us he really wants to be baptized and be a member of the church.  He has come to church 4 times now.  

Jose, we had a great lesson with him.  He has a hard time reading, so we decided to read 3 Nephi 11 with him.  It was a great lesson.  We found that he really understands what is being read when he listens to someone else read, it's the actual reading that is difficult.  So Hermana Rubow and i are working on getting him the Book of Mormon on CD.  Jose really loved the simplicity of the chapter, and he understands the importance of baptism.  We invited him to be baptized and he said yes!  He knows that he needs to come to church first.  He really wants to come to church, he's still working on the transportation.  Jose is so cool!  

We had a good lesson with Mario and Juana.  They are a couple, and they are actually in the middle of a divorce right now.  But we had a good lesson about our purpose and a lot of how to begin teaching.  We also watched the Restoration with them.  It went well.  Juana has been studying with Jehovah's Witness, and so she isn't too interested.  But Mario is very interested.  He is actually a former and he remembers coming to church.  He wants to come back with his kids.  He has a bad leg injury from a four wheeler, but he said once he is healed he is going to come to church.  He wants to study the Book of Mormon and take the lessons from us again.  We are excited."

Well, have a great week!  I love you all.

Hermana AH Mu

Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014

PARIS FRANCE!!!!  I love that!!!  Please let her know I am like jumping up and down in my chair right now!!!!  My cousy is going to FRANCE!!!  

2 worlds are definitely colliding right now...I can't take it!  But I love it.  All 4 of us hermanas are so close, we already feel like our moms need to know each other!  Haha.  That's why we gave all of our moms contact info.  

We are seeing miracles here in Paso....by the way!!  WE are starting this new transfer out right!!!  I AM STAYING IN PASO ROBLES for atleast another 5 weeks!! (This transfer is a 5 week transfer).  I am so happy, we have some baptisms to see!  I knew I had more work to do here.  Hermana Martin is leaving though...I am so sad!  But Hermana Miller is going to be companions with Hermana HARDY!!  My old companion.  This'll be a very interesting transfer.  

Mom, I LOVE the EFY 2013 CD.  It is the best efy cd EVER. 

It's been very, VERY hot!!  Over 100 almost every day!!  By 11 am, it's over 90!!  I am literally going to melt here...but that's okay.  Haha, I am just not used to this!  Haha.  

I need the talk "Find the Lambs, Feed the Sheep" it was actually a broadcast that President Hinckley gave...It is long, but it would be amazing to have.  

Guess what?  Today is May 19.  I entered the MTC exactly 11 months ago....I still feel like a gringa!  

Armando is doing amazing!!  We hope to set him with a baptismal date this week.  HE has come to church 3 times in a row!!!  Which is RARE!!!!  He LOVES it.  

I will write a letter for the ward.  Soon!  I promise!! 

Don't have too much time,
Have a GREAT week!

Hermana Ah Mu 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 5, 2014

I am just going to apologize NOW.  I don't have much time, this was a full week so I had MUCH to say to President!!  But, I am sure that my call home should make up for it all.  :)  We have church 1-4 so we will be calling after we are done there and after we grab some snacks.  My companion's family is 3 hours ahead of us.  So she will be calling her family first.  i should be calling about 6 o'clock my time.  8pm your time.  I hope that works, i have no idea why it wouldn't.  I will call mom's cell phone.  Conference call should be fine.  Please be prepared with questions!  I will have a few good stories and thoughts for you all as well.  :)  I am very, VERy excited to talk to y'all!!  This will be the last time before I go home, weird, huh?  
This week I will be hitting my year mark of the time I got my mission call.  May 10.  Crazy to think about.  I can't even pretend that I am even close to the Alex that you were with then.  I am so much different.  I am a better me, and continue to be better and better.  It is all because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  This is a gospel of change, I love it.  
I have a favor to ask, Could yo uemail me the talk from I think October 2012 by Elder Ballard.  It's about bee's...I have no idea if that helps...maybe if yo uhave the October 2012 conference issue, that would be amazing to have.
Read "His Grace is Sufficient"  By Brad Wilcox.  It is AMAZING.  Also, the 4th missionary by Lawrence E. Corbridge.  This is a talk that seriously EVERY missionary should have.  Ask the missionaries in our ward about it, if they don't have it, print it off for them.  It is like 30 pages long, but those missionaries would LOVE you forever.  
Just know that I am doing SO well.  I am still sick, but it'll go away!!!  This week was full of miracles.  I know it is because we made a more concious effort to be exactly obedient.  That is the only way we can really see the work move along.  This week is proof of that, we saw miracles EVERY DAY.  These miracles are things that would be in preach my gospel.  I will share them on Sunday.  An apostle said, "Obedience brings blessings.  Exact obedience brings miracles."  (maybe Elder Nelson?  Elder Oaks?)  I KNOW that is true.  Paso Robles, Templeton and Atascadero is BOOMING. 

I love you all!!

Hermana Ah Mu


Hermana AhMu and Hermana Higgs (exchanges)

April 28, 2014

Hola familia,

It sounds like y'all had a fantastic week.  I am so happy for that.  I wish I could have been with all of you.  Soon we will all be able to hang out again, but right now I have things to do haha.  Katie just keeps getting bigger and bigger!!  I can't wait to meet her.  I put a few pictures of her on my planner so I see her everyday, all day :)

About more music, Mom, EFY Cd's are good.  Mindy Gledhill.  Anything missionary related!

Everything you talked about sounded just like my family.  I am so happy I grew up in a family that knows how to work hard.  I am just so happy I learned these things when I was younger.  

It wasn't the easiest week.  It is kind of discouraging to be in an area that doesn't have people progressing.  Other than that, things are great.  Our numbers don't seem to reflect just how much we are really doing.  I feel like those elders on the District 2.  Elder Tuituu and Elder Murray.  I know that they had to be filmed at that time because there are MANY missionaries that need to have someone to relate to.  We try and try to see success, but then it seems to greatest successes we see are referrals that we give to the English Elders.  Which is great!  We are so happy about that, but we want golden investigators too!  Haha, we knocked so many doors this week it's not even funny.  But it's okay.  We are trying hard to do what we are supposed to.  All we can do is carry on and keep filtering out all the little distractions and any bit of disobedience that exists.  We know that obedience helps us to have clean hands so we are worthy of the guidance of the Holy Ghost.  Our obedience directly correlates to our investigators.  In our church, we are a covenant keeping people.  Elder Nelson told us that we need to help our investigators keep commitments because that is what prepares them to make and keep sacred covenants.  If those we teach can't keep commitments then they can't keep a covenant.  We need to help those we teach understand that members of our church are a covenant keeping people.  NEAT huh?!  

I am studying the talk, "Jesus: The Perfect Leader"  by President Kimball.  Read it.  It is amazing.  I want to strive for THOSE qualities of leadership.  We are all leaders and can strive for it.

Owen.  You aren't allowed to date now that you are turning 16.  You know that, right?  Okay, I am half way kidding right now.  But for real, always listen to Mom and Dad if they have advice for you.  Always listen to them when they have a doubt or concern or even just a bad feeling about some girl you'd go out with!  You better only go out with girls that dress modestly.  Her language and humor better be clean.  Alright? :P  And you better realize we are going on double dates when I get home  >:)  NEVER EVER ask the girl, "So, what do you wanna do on our date?"  NEVER!!  YOU HEAR ME?!  Only LAME guys do that.  Always, ALWAYS have a plan, and a plan B.  And plan C...all the way to plan z.  If you need ideas ask ME!!  I have PLENTY.  (And they're all cheap).  

Tell Mike I need a job when I get home....I know it's far away, but I could work Christmas and for inventory!!  Then I could be gone just in time for when things get slow...maybe present that to him when you can...I'm pretty sure he would be willing to do that for me.  He knows I would work hard and that I'm reliable.  That's what Owen can thank me and Ollie for ;)  Owen, you have alot to live up to!

Well, any way.  That's all folks!  I love you!  I will try to write a letter to you, Owen and Olson!!  Have a great day!

Hermana Ah Mu

April 21, 2014


First.  All I really need is money for clothes!  (BTW that blue and white shirt I am wearin in the pic with Hna.  Martin is one of the new shirts I got!  It is so stinkin cute...from JC Penney!  I only baught one other and it is grey and white striped).  It is VERY hot here, and Paso Robles get VERy warm during the summer.  I only have 4 or five short sleeve shirts...the rest I have to wear with cardigans.  No me gusta eso.  Haha.  I did get my package, THANK YOU.  I got the one from Ollie, Ashley and Katie too!  I LOVED it.  They know what I like, Kool aid and poptarts.  And chocolate.  Hahaha.  :)  I loved the talks!  All the fun Easter things.  It was Great!

We had a referral come to church.  That was neat.  We were finally able to meet him and set up an apponitment with him.  It is just a bit hard when he's homeless.  Homeless people are so hard to teach because you can't ever find them.

The work is just moving forward.  SO many things to do in this area,  it isn't fun to come some where where there is literally nothing going on.  Hermana Rubow and i are really trying to get things going!  

We had an AMAZING meeting on Saturday!  The entire mission gathered in the Ventura Stake Center and we were able to listen to Elder Nelson, Elder Bowen, Elder Garns, and their wives!  It was incredible!  The mission conference was absolutely amazing.  I loved it.  I really learned SO much.  I received answers to questions that I didn't even know I had.  And not just questions I had acquired on my mission, but questions I have had for years.  It was amazing.  I thought it was particularly interesting that Elder Nelson's talk was basically question and answer.  His answers to the questions that were asked didn't focus solely on our responsibilities as missionaries.  The answers he gave were things that we will definitely want to apply for the rest of our lives.  I loved that.  I loved being there.  It was a testimony builder.  It was kind of sad though, we weren't able to talk to President and Sister Castro at all.  They are leaving soon.  It was great to be together as a mission, but we all feel sad to know that they are leaving soon.  We may see them one of two more times and then they're gone.  

Hermana Rubow and I are really working on finding new investigators.  We want to have a larger teaching pool.  So we have been knocking some of the places that we see potential in.  Well, we were knocking an apartment complex.  No one had opened their doors!  We had 2 doors left and decided we would move on after we knocked them.  Well, we met this woman named Ami.  We introduce ourselves and the first thing she said was, "My house is a mess, do you mind?"  We said no.  And she had us come right in.  She was scrambling around the house tidying it up, getting us seats.  She was in the kitchen and said, "I know you don't drink tea, but do you want some soda or just a glass of water?"  Hermana Rubow and I were surprised to hear her say that she knew we didn't drink tea.  Haha, we were also confused as to why she invited us right in...and really what we were doing there.  Finally we all sat down and were able to introduce ourselves.  And the first thing she said was, "I had been praying to God for help.  I asked him for some sign of guidance.  And then you knocked on my door."  We talked with her for a while and she knows a ton about the church!  She had gone to church with her good friend back in Arkansas.  Ami remembered going to cottage meetings, firesides, Relief Society, and so many other church terms that not just everyone can pick up very easily!  Hermana Rubow and I were amazed!!  We told Ami that this was not coincidence.  It was us being led and guided.  It was proof to her that God listens to her prayers, He loves her and knows her, and He answers prayers.  I thought that it was so neat.  Those kind of situations don't happen everyday!  It was a miracle.

Well.  That is about it.  I hope you all have a great week.  The number of weeks until I talk to you on the phone is getting smaller and smaller.  Next week we can start talking about times and such.  

I so appreciate the love and support I receive.  I love you.  Thank you for the prayers. 

Hermana Ah Mu

April 14, 2014


Let me just say, what a relief it is to be HERE in Paso Robles!  Ohh wow.  This last week has been great.  

My new area.  Paso Robles!!  Hermana Rubow and I work in half of Paso, All of Templeton, and All of Atascedero.  We are working in a TEENY Spanish Branch.  I actually wonder why it isn't just a unit...But oh well haha.  I don't think I will ever understand the way Hispanics do things.  I had forgotten how chaotic and noisy church is with Hispanics.  But I love it!  

My companion.  Ohhh, I LOVE her!!!!  She is SO funny!!  We have a blast together!!  We both don't really know Spanish, so we have a ton of fun messing up everything.  Especially phone calls :)  Oh well, her favorite phrase is, "Oh, lo siento.  Somos humanos, no somos perfectas.  Estamos aprediendo Espanol."  Or "Oh, we're sorry.  We are human, we aren't perfect.  We are learning spanish."  Hahahaha.  We live with 2 other Hermanas (I LOVE THEM).  Their names are Hermana Martin and Hermana Miller.  They are so stinkin hilarious it's FUNNY.  We all four have so much fun.  We are serving in the same branch.  It's awesome because we all love the same things, have the same sense of humor.  Oh.  It's just perfect.  Hermana Miller is from Olathe, KA!!  Hermana Rubow is from North Carolina.  Hermana Martin is from Pennsylvania.  We all get along real well.  Hermana Miller went to BYU before.  Hermana Rubow and Martin did BYU-I.  

The work here is interesting....Hermana Rubow and I have MAJOR finding to do.  I know that we will see success during this transfer.  We have many goals.  I know things will be better soon!

I really do love it here. The Branch really is good. They are SO great. 

It is pretty cool here.  Nothing like Solvang, the only similarity is there are lots of vineyards.  I miss things about Solvang.  But, I know I will learn to love it here more and more.  

I got an email from Maggie Johnson, a member from Solvang.  I LOVE her so much.  She is just great!  She has already offered her home to any of my family members that need a place to stay while in Solvang!  

Well, this week was great. 

Love you all!

Hermana Ah Mu

First pic is Me, hermana Schmidt and MAggie and her sons.
Second,  Me with this awesome Viking man.
3rd Hermana Martin and Hermana Hernandez being like Auntie and her comp!!  Hopefully it doesnt offend...because it CRACKS me up!

April 6, 2014

Wow.  Transfers always seem to surprise me.

I am leaving Solvang.  I will be serving in Paso Robles.  I will be in the Paso Robles 3rd Branch!  I have heard many great things.  I just think it is funny because last week I said, "The one place I don't wanna go to is Paso!  Because i don't wanna sit in the car for 3 hours after transfer meeting just to get back to my new area!!"  Paso is THREE hours away from Ventura!!!!  CA-RAZY.  Haha.  And look where I am going.  Heavenly Father knows all.  He obviously sees me serving there when I didn't.  Hahaha.  I am going to be companions with Hermana Rubow.  She was in the MTC with Hermana Corniea and Hermana Howell!!!  I've heard GREAT things about Hermana Rubow.  I am excited to meet her.  I am hoping that this new area, new transfer, new companion will help me.  I am hoping I can finally feel better.  

Hermana Schmidt will be a Sister Training Leader.  She is going to be serving in Santa Barbara.  She is going to a fantastic area!  So there will be 2 new sisters coming to our area.  ("White washing") just like Hermana Howell and I did just 3 transfers ago.  

I will miss Solvang so much.  This is definitely a place that I will have to come back to.  But this will forever be a place of growth.  I grew so much.  Still am.  And I know I will continue to grow so much from the experiences I had here.  I love the ward.  I love the people.  I know I will love my new area.  It's just bittersweet.  

I am hoping the new area will be a refresher!!  I just want a refresher.  Haha.  I found out my companion from the MTC, Hermana Brown is a Sister Training Leader!!!!!  Which I am SOOO excited about!!  She is amazing, and I know that this calling is HERS.  She will do amazingly!!  I am SO excited for her....I hope that I will be able to go on exchanges with HER!! :D  I love her.

Karen is gone.  I have not enjoyed seeing her house empty.  It was GREAT being her neighbor.  but seeing her house empty is sad.  I have asked Elder Young about his area, and I think that Karen moved into HIS MISSION BOUNDARIES.  How crazy is that?!  Elder Young actually served where we think Karen moved!!  How crazy is that?!  I want him to teach her and her family!!

I said goodbye to Erik yesterday.  It was very sad.  I will miss him so much!  He is such a solid recent convert!!  He is just so great.  I'm pretty sure he will be the unit leader here in Solvang....when there is a Spanish unit ;)  Haha He'll be the leader!!!  :)  

I am excited to recieve my easter package.  Thank you for the General Conference package.  Loved it!! :)  Tell ashley my mission office address.  Because I don't know my address right now.  She asked me last week for my real address.  I am excited to get the CD too!!  Thank youu!

Sister Castro loved the happy book I gave her!!  :)  She said she would carry it with her every where.  Thank you for that idea, Mom.  My happy book has helped me more than I ever thought it could, especially this past transfer.  

I may go to the doctor this week.  I am going to talk with Sister Castro tomorrow after transfer meeting and we will figure out what to do...I had to get some prescription nasal spray for my cold.  I am still using it...haha.  But just in case something notifies you about our insurance, I used our insurance!  (I don't know anything about insurance...haha).  

Well.  I love you.  I appreciate your support, love, and prayers.  

Sister Ah Mu

March 30, 2014

Oooo.  I'm pretty excited to get the general conference package:)

That address is correct.  I did receive the package with taxes in it.  Also the letter from Michelle!! :)  Dang, her letter was SO inspired.  Tell her she is amazing!!

I would probably stop sending anything to my home address because I am probably getting transferred in a week.  

Oh Jon...always getting into trouble!!  He and I have a blast writing each other.  I think it is hilarious that I've known him since like 3rd grade!!  

I am also keeping in contact with Elder Richardson still, yes.  He is doing GREAT!!  He is just an amazing Elder, I know he works so hard.  He goes home in September D:
I also keep in contact with Elder Young in Kennewick, Washington mission.  He is awesome too!!  We have fun writing each other in Spanish.  It's always good practice to do that.  (Karen and Carlos and their family are probably moving into his mission boundaries!!!!)
Also, I keep in contact with Elder Johnson, he is in the Bulgaria Sofia mission.  He an amazing Elder Too!!!  He an I hit our year mark soon...which is CRAZY.  I still like to think that is in 2 and a half months...that's a long time, right?  Psh.  Not on a mission.

How did you like the Women's broadcast??  I LOVED IT.  All the talks were fantastic!! :D

Karen and Carlos moved...I pretty much wanted to cry.  I was just sad because  I may not ever see them again....I'm hoping that isn't true.  I will have to go visit them in Washington...and they'll probably be baptized by then ;)  I'm positive!!!  They're ready!!

This is the last week of the transfer.  I can't lie and say I'm not excited to start a new one again.  This has been the longest transfer of my ENTIRE mission.  The hardest one ever.  The scariest.  The lonliest.  But I've learned SO much.  My testimony has been tried.  But I am coming out a lot stronger.  But, yes.  I am excited to start over again.  hopefully go to a new area, I feel like it's time.  But I guess we will see if The Lord feels the same, won't we?

Thank you for everything.  I am doing better than I have been for a long time.  I loved the package.  And guess what??  I sent in my taxes on time :)  Sister Castro sent with the Sister Training Leaders a little package for me.  She is so funny, she sent me some aromatherapy things...but hey!  It works!! :)  And I really appreciate it.  I love her so much!!  So I sent her a talk that has really helped me, some chocolate, and I sent her a happy book (You know what I'm talking about, right mom?).  

I love you all.  Hope you're donig well.  I will let you know what is to come next transfer on Monday!!

Sister Ah Mu

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 17, 2014

Hola everyone! 

Don't have much time!!  But here's some fun information for y'all!!

We have a baptism this Friday!!  Erik is so ready.  From what I know and have seen he has been prepared.  He is very solid.  I know that he is going to be such a great member of the church.  And a great contribution to the Solvang Ward.  If I am correct I think this is the first Spanish Speaking baptism the ward will see.  Erik has come to church.  He is very excited to be baptized.  I really look forward to it.  It is so neat because he is the first investigator and the first lesson we had when Hermana Howell and I first got here.  It was such a great feeling to know we had this solid investigator who would be baptized.  We both hoped that we would be here to see it.  And we are.  I know Hermana Schmidt has seen his potential in the few weeks of her being here too.  I always had a good feeling about Erik! 

That's about all I have time for!!

Hermana Ah Mu

March 10, 2014

Erik!  We taught him many lessons.  I think the most exciting thing was, we asked him if he was planning on attending a baptism in Santa Maria.  He said yes.  And then he said, "And I am ready for my baptism."  So we scheduled a baptismal date for the 21 of March!  It feels pretty solid.  I have total confidence in Erik, he is so solid.  I really hope to see him baptized.  I know he will really love it, and he will keep progressing.  He is so awesome, and he can feel the spirit so strongly.  I can't wait for him to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

We gave Karen a break because she asked us to wait for her to call us for an appointment.  But Hermana Schmidt and I decided to go visit her just to see how she is doing and give her a Living Christ.  It was so cool.  We talked with her and her husband Carlos!  We had a little lesson and prayed with her.  Then Karen said, "When can you come back?"  Oh!  I was so happy that she wanted to meet with us again.  We are teaching her tomorrow.  I am excited!

We had a great combined lesson with Erik and Jose, who is a less active.  We hadn't met with Jose for months!  And finally we got a hold of him again.  And we thought it would be great for both Erik and Jose to meet with us.  So we read 2 Nephi 31 with them.  We had a wonderful discussion!  Erik talked about his baptism freely too and invited Jose, which was so cool!  And it was good for Jose, considering how long it had been since we met with him last.  He has a desire to learn again, which I love.  

I am really enjoying our zone goals this transfer.  And also the assignment the Sister Training Leaders asked us to complete.  The zone goals, part of it is we need to write 1 reason we believe we have the assignment we have and 1 reason we love being on a mission!  We do this everyday.  I LOVE it.  And also, the assignment the Sister Training Leaders assigned us is we need to write down 5 things we are grateful for everyday.  I love how well these goals go together!  What great timing too.  I really feel like I needed these goals this transfer.  I really look forward to writing these down.  And I think it helps me remain positive and happy because I am remembering the things I am grateful for, why I am here, and why I love being here!  I love it so much.  

I really appreciate Hermana Schmidt.  She is so kind and patient with me.  Even when I am not feeling well, she helps me see that it is okay to not feel well and that it is okay if I need to rest or eat a snack.  I so appreciate her and her selflessness.  I know that she is supposed to be my companion this transfer.  She is so supportive and understanding.  She is a good, strong missionary!  And she KNOWS her Spanish, I am hoping it can rub off on me...atleast a tiny bit.  Haha.  She helps me when I have any questions about Spanish, which is so helpful.  

I love this work.  It really is a privilege to be on a mission.  I am thankful for all that the Lord does for me.

We have zone conference next week.  I am excited!!  I hope you all have a great week.

Hermana Ah Mu

March 3, 2014


I haven't been feeling very well this past week.  I have been getting many headaches on my mission.  So I have been trying to get that figured out with Sister Castro, I am perfectly fine.  But this week I just didn't feel very well.  I've lost a bit of weight because I couldn't eat much.  This week will be much better.  I know you are praying for me.  I am thankful for the support.  

Last Thursday we were to teach the Plan of Salvation a couple times during the day.  I felt that was very fitting considering that marked 12 years from the time Mom passed away.  I felt like it was a little tender mercy from Heavenly Father.  I was grateful to study the Plan.  It is such a beautiful part of our church.  It is one of the reasons I am out on a mission.  I want to help as many people possible to know that they can all see those they have lost.  It is something I treasure.  I love knowing that I will see my family and friends again.  

Here's part of President's letter:

"We taught Erik.  He is so awesome!  We taught him about missionary work and enduring to the end.  He loves the fact that he can share the gospel with his friends.  He was afraid he didn't know enough to do it, but we helped him see everyone can be a missionary (and plus, Erik is so smart and he has a strong testimony, he knows enough to be able to share it clearly and powerfully).  We also had a lesson with him about the power of fasting.  It was really good!  He asked us if there were any baptisms going on in Santa Maria because he wants to take his sister with him to see a baptism.  He is such a great missionary already!  He also said that he knows that his sister has many doubts, but that he is sure that her seeing a baptism will really help strengthen her.  He is just so cool!!  We were excited to find out that there is a baptism in Santa Maria this Saturday.  Erik is excited to go.  I am so excited to hear about their experience. 

We taught Rafael!  He is someone we found a few weeks ago.  We taught him part of the Plan of Salvation.  It was really good.  It was interesting because we were teaching him about the Pre-earth Life.  And we asked him what he thought about it.  He said he didn't agree with it, that it was hard for him to understand.  But then he said, "But, I am sure I just don't understand it yet, I just need to keep studying and keep learning more and then I will know it is true."  He has so much faith.  It is so neat.

Hermana Schmidt and I were able to teach a couple people that Hermana Howell and I were NEVER able to have lessons with.  It is kinda funny how a new transfer does that.  It was really fun.  We had a lesson with this woman named Concepcion.  Hermana Howell and I would schedule lesson after lesson with her, but she would never show up.  And she didn't have time.    Well, we managed to schedule an appointment with her and she did end up being home for it!  It was so cool, we taught the Restoration to her.  She really liked it.  She loved that we have a living prophet.  And she really wants to come to church.  

We also had a lesson with this woman, Arcelia.  She didn't ever have time for us either.  But I went back with Hermana Schmidt and Arcelia decided she had turned us down enough and felt bad.  So she let us come in and share a message with her!  It was a good lesson too.  

We found this woman named Annette.  She is so prepared.  We were knocking doors and we met her.  We had a great Restoration lesson with her.  We found out that she is actually friends with a lot of members from our ward!  Which was fun.  And she has been to the church to see some people get baptized before!  It was so exciting to hear that.  And Annette agreed to baptism when she knows that these things are true.  She also said that this would be really good for her because of the situation she is in right now.  I love finding people that are that prepared.  

I love this work.  I love serving here in Solvang.  I love that I not only get to see the investigators grow and change, but I also get to see members change.  It is such a sweet experience.  There is this one woman in our ward, I know I have talked about her before.  But it was just 2 transfers ago that she didn't want to do missionary work or help us with lessons and such.  But now she is on fire.  She loves teaching Gospel Principles in Spanish.  She loves coming on lessons.  She loves translating in Sacrament meeting.  She fights for the growth of Spanish work here now.  Which is something else that I love!  And she always asks us about the investigators we are teaching.  I have loved seeing her desire to share the gospel grow.  She told us, "Don't ever think that I am helping you, because you are helping me."  She loves missionary work now.  That is one of my favorite things about being a missionary: watching people change.  In fact!  This member is having a Family Home Evening tonight and had us invite all our Spanish investigators!  It is so cool.  

I have learned a lot from being here in Solvang.  One of the sweetest things I have learned is the importance of 1 soul.  I love Matthew 18:12-14 and Luke 15:3-7.  I will always leave the 99 for the 1." 

I really have loved it here in the Great California Ventura Mission.  I love this gospel.  I love the Lord.  I love being on a mission.  I am honored to be here serving with the people I do.  Have a great week.

Hermana Ah Mu

February 24, 2014

Here's a portion of my letter to President, just so that you can get a feel of our teaching pool right now...

"Erik, he came to church!  That will be his 5 time, we know he is so amazing.  We taught him about recognizing the spirit.  He seemed to really enjoy that.  We thought it would help him more and help him better find answers to his prayers.  We also taught him about the Liahona.  How the Book of Mormon is like our own modern day Liahona.  He really liked that.  He does so well at reading often.  Which is awesome.  

We taught a couple less active members in our ward.  Lance is about 20 or 21 and Cory is 18.  They are letting us teach them the lessons. They are trying to come back to church because they really want to go to BYU-I.  And so we taught them the Restoration this week.  They seemed to really like it.  They were able to ask any questions they had.  We seemed to have talked about some things that they didn't ever even think of before, so that was neat to see them thinking about it.  They are great, I think that they want to come back to church, but just don't really know exactly how to do it.  We hope to be helping them with that.

Karen, right when we sat down we asked, "So, how are you?"  She said, "Well.  I'm kind of sad."  We asked her why.  Karen and her whole family are probably moving to Washington.  They've been thinking about moving there for a while.  She said Carlos (Her husband) wants to because it is so expensive to live here in Solvang and there are lots of job opportunities out there now.  I am pretty sad.  I totally understand why they need to move, I just don't want to see her leave.  She is so amazing!  They would be leaving in the middle of March.  And she still hasn't come to church because of her fears in bringing the baby.  I just hope that we can get her new address and send missionaries over ASAP.  I don't want her to stop meeting with missionaries.  We did go over Moroni 8 with her!  It was good.  I think it was a good way to teach her more about authority.  

We taught Andy.  He is doing fantastic!  He has been reading the Book of Mormon everyday!  And ever since he started reading he has been a lot more healthy.  Before he was drinking a ton of Red Bulls.  And he said he just feels so much better without that in his system.  And he has felt more spiritual strength.  The Book of Mormon is just such a powerful book.  I love how much it changes others lives, including mine.  I have really seen the value and importance of reading it everyday myself!  I am able to testify of it in a more powerful way.  And I really can truly bear testimony of the importance and blessings of reading it daily. 

We taught Danny and Kathy.  We actually watched the Restoration with them.  They liked it.  But Danny, especially, doesn't like the fact that the gold plates are not here any more.  He has a lack of faith.  We tried to explain to him the importance of faith on his part and that that is the only way he can know.  He still is not convinced.  He said he will try to read and pray about it.  We hope that he can really know for himself the truthfulness of our message.  We know it will help him and his family so much!  

We taught our new investigator Rafael.  He is so cool!  We sat down with him for a lesson and as soon as we did he pointed to the Book of Mormon and said, "That is a beautiful book.  I read a bit of it.  It is really nice."  It was so cool!  We left him with one our last visit and so to hear that he had read it!  Oh!  It made us so happy.  We taught him the rest of the Restoration.  He really liked it.  And we have another appointment on Saturday.  We are excited to see how his reading and praying goes.  I really think he has a ton of potential.  I can tell he has a sincere heart.  I love it!

I just love this work.  It is a glorious work to be a part of.  I know that I am called of God, and that helps me everyday.  I have seen how much it helps me to remember who I am.  As long as I remember who I am, I am able to do so much!  It's amazing to me that we are missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!  There is so much power in that statement.  I always try to remember it."

I am doing well.  It is a beginning to a new transfer....I am STAYING in Solvang!! :D  Yayyy!!  My companions are ever so kind to remind me that I hit my halfway mark this transfer...EW :P

But!  Hermana Howell and Hermana Prestgard will be companions in the other area, while I will be staying in my area with Hermana Schmidt.  I do not know who she is...so I can't help but think she is going to hate me.  Hahaha, you know how it is.  Now I have to get used to being with another person!  But no, for real, it's going to be great!  I'm excited!  All I know is she has been out just one transfer longer than me.  I know this is all so inspired, I have lots to learn from Hermana Schmidt, I'm sure.  I always learn a ton from my companions...so bring it on! :D  I am pretty excited for this transfer though.  It's zone conference this transfer!! :D

i was lucky to receive a letter from Elder Jon Erickson!! :D  Haha, love that guy!  It is seriously so fun to hear from the people from Blue Springs.  I was wondering if I could get a hold of Kristen Marsey some how??  And Jen Brown??  Anyway, those are just thoughts.  

i hope you all have a fantastic week.  Love you all.  

Hermana Ah Mu