

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013

How is everything?? 
I've had a great week!!  I have learned that I snore.  A lot.  My poor companions.  But hey!  I'm just happy that I am finally getting sleep!!  My first two transfers I could never sleep no matter how exausted I was.  So this is awesome.  I lay down and I am gone.  It's great. 
Mom!  I got the blue and white skirt!!  Are you sending multiple?  I didn't understand?
Here's something funny, there is a little boy in our ward.  His name is Benjamin.  I love him!!  He is 4, and he always tries to hug me.  I met him in Primary (I haven't been able to get away from primary...I love it!!  And they need help teaching and playing piano).  But anyway, yesterday I saw him and I said, "Hey Benjamin!!  How are you?"  You wouldn't believe what he said...He replied, "Hey beautiful!"  And he WINKED at me!!  Hahahahahaaaa. 
We had the Primary Program yesterday!  It went so well.  I played piano.  Hermana Hardy conducted.  And Hermana Player held up the signs with lyrics on them.  I have been told multiple times that I am a future Primary president....let's hope that doesn't happen for a long, long time!!  Too stressful!!  Sister McKee, you are a strong woman hahaha It's hard!!!
We teach a homeless man, he is less active.  So we have to go looking for him if we want to teach him.  And we randomly run into him.  But anyway, last night we ran into him and he said, "Hey, I wanted to give this to you."  He handed me a brand new wallet.  I had to ask him where he got it...I never want to take anything that is "borrowed"  but it was brand new and he said he got it from his cousin.  He is so nice.  I met him my first transfer.  He calls us angels, I always tell him that we are missionaries!!  But he insists that we are angels too.  hahaha.  
I had the wonderful opportunity to go out with Sister Castro this week!  It was probably one of my favorite things that I've been able to do on my mission!  She is the ultimate missionary, and she's just so great.  But I felt so lucky to work with her.  She taught me a ton.  We made a goal to do 10 declarations and 2 lessons.  We had a lesson with a man, Beto, right when she got here.  We went looking for Beto at his house, but someone else opened the door, Maria.  She told us Beto wasn't there and so we started teaching her.  Sister Castro just whipped out the Book of Mormon and had her read from 3 Nephi 11.   Maria said that maybe Beto was home, so she went and grabbed him.  Then we talked with both of them.  I loved how easy it was for Sister Castro to relate to them.  We found out a lot about Beto and Maria.  And it was really cool because Maria didn't seem all that interested, but right after she read some of the Book of Mormon she listened and then grabbed her husband to listen as well.  It was so neat!  Right there I realized how great it can be to read straight from the Book of Mormon in declarations!  We have been doing that ever since then, and it gets people listening because it is in fact the word of God.  It's so cool.  Sister Castro and I did a lot of finding.  We met lots of people, I really enjoyed it.  She helped me be more confident in speaking.  I loved how she didn't even acknowledge that we were speaking Spanish.  She didn't tell me I was doing well or comment on how bad my Spanish was.  Sister Castro had never gone out with Spanish sisters before, and she said she never went out finding, she only went to lessons.  She loved coming out and teaching in Spanish (Spanish is her first language).  It was funny because it was actually my idea to see if she could come...I didn't know if it would be I guess...appropriate to ask the mission President's wife to come out with us.  But I called her anyway.  She was SO happy and thankful.  While we were out walking and finding she asked, "So...who's idea was it to ask me to come out and work anyway?"  I laughed and said, "Mine!!"  She says, "Hahaha...I had a thought that it was probably you!"  She has a great memory, some how she remembered that this was only my 3rd transfer...I have no idea how she keeps track.  But anyway, We did reach our goal!  It was cool.  Sister Castro is awesome!!  We hope that she can come out with us again. 
I'm doing so great.  So much better than I was at the beginning of this transfer.  I love my companions.  I love Oxnard.  I love being a missionary!!!  I love this work.  Have a great week y'all!!
Hermana Ah Mu
P.S.  I did hear from Sharree that Charlee got her call...but Sharree refused to tell me!!  And now I haven't heard from Charlee yet...But THANK YOU for telling me!!  I'm happy to finally be finding out where she is going!!  Tell her I love her so much!!  And to write me ASAP!!!  Por Favor!!!  Gracias!!!

Hermana Bartschi and I

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