

Friday, May 29, 2015

Life off the mission!

Wow, it has been a while since I have posted anything.  Let me just say, life off of my mission has been great.  I knew when I was leaving my mission to come home that there were great things in store for me.  And I'm already seeing them.  I am thankful for that.  I just love the fact that when our mission comes to an end, it doesn't mean our life is over.  I saw that a lot while I was on my mission, missionaries acted as if they wouldn't have anything to live for once they were finished.  Which is NOT true at all.  Once we have served a mission, we can see and understand that there really is SO much to live for!  More than we even realized before serving.  When our mission ends, life really begins.  And it's exciting!  Although the sun is setting on that part of our life, the sun is rising to a new beginning.  To new things, new adventures, just new everything.  

I miss the people I met and served with during my mission.  But I know it had to come to an end.  And the timing of it all was completely perfect!  I loved my mission and always will.  It shaped me into who I am today.  I know it has prepared me for the rest of my life.  I have already seen that since being home.  I am so grateful for that.  

So I guess what I am saying is that missionaries that come home should not feel depressed and upset about it being over because there are so many great things to come!  Heavenly Father gives us the amazing opportunity to serve.  And that sets us up for the rest of our lives!  It's so awesome!  

Friday, March 13, 2015

Last email from the mission...

I feel like this email will seem very dramatic (yes, I know I am dramatic), but I mean everything I will say. 

My heart is very full.  Full of many, many feelings.  Nothing can really describe what I feel and what I want to express because everything is just to great.  

My heart is sad.  Very, very sad.  Yesterday was a hard day.  I love the Spanish branch here.  I love the people we teach.  I love my companion.  I love the missionaries I work with.  I love President and Sister Felix.  I have loved it all.  That is something I have always loved and not loved at the same time.  I have learned that I love people so quickly.  Which I love.  But when it comes to be time to leave.  It makes it very difficult.  I never realized how much I could love others until I came on my mission.  I always thought it was so cheesy when I would hear people stand up in Sacrament Meeting and say, "I just love you all.  I don't really know you, but I love you."  I didn't get it!!  Then I came on my mission.  I remember my first area, I instantly loved complete strangers, but then they aren't strangers.  They are my brothers and sisters.  Loving others.  I feel that is a gift that I have been given and I am happy to be able to recognize it.  

My heart is nervous.  We all have hopes, goals, and plans.  It's time for me to get going.  I always had something to reach toward and work towards.  First it was what, baptism?  YW's.  Personal Progress.  Going to school.  A mission.  But now what?  We all know exactly what's next in my life.  I actually start REAL life now!!  I need to get an education.  I need to take it seriously.  I have to take dating seriously.  (Eww.  Weird.  And yes, president talked to me about all of this already).  But, I think it is a good nervous.  I'm not nervous about going back to the person I was before., I hear missionaries say that is their fear.  But no, I am changed.  There is no way I can go back to who I was.  I have learned how to become my best self.  Obviously I'm not done changing into my self, I know that!  But hey!  I'm doing a whole lot better than before.  For that I am very grateful!

My heart is excited.  I am excited to see what happens next in my life!  I know I have much to do.  If I am not working towards worthy goals then I am going down.  It's like running up an escalater that is going down.  If I stop then I will stop progressing.  I am excited to be with my family again.  To go to school.  Work.  And go!

My heart is happy!  I am happy.  I could not have done what I have done without Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.  I couldn't have done this without the mighty prayers of everyone.  Because I have been changing, I have been able to do everything that has been placed before me.  I know that I didn't change myself, it was because of my dear Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  I have felt Them carry me through many events of my mission.  Not only the fact that I went home during the mission, a whole lot more than that!  It's because of them that I am here today.  I know that they used other people to help me as well.  My companions.  Whether we got along or not, they were put in my life for a reason.  My leaders.  Again, whether or not we got along, they were put in my life for a reason.  The members!  Oh my goodness, I have met so many amazing members here.  The people I have taught!!  They are amazing, I love them!  My heart is happy because I have met so many amazing people.  I have been able to see the ministering of angels during my mission.  I remember that was something I was blessed with, my first setting apart.  I have truly witnessed that multiple times during my mission.  My second setting apart.  I can truly say EVERYTHING that was said in there has happened.  Not that I doubted they would happen, I just feel it interesting that they didn't happen until my last transfer here.  But that just lets me know even better how perfect Heavenly Father's timing is.  I know that there was no way for me to be here NOW if I wouldn't have gone home earlier.  His timing is perfect, His plan is perfect, He is perfect.  I just remember how awful and painful it was to go home.  I just cried and cried.  But now looking back I don't feel the awful pain and sadness.  I am still crying and crying, but they are tears of joy, of gratitude and happiness.  That's what Heavenly Father does!!  Oh Him!! :)

Again.  My heart is full.  Words really can't express all that I want to say.  But here was my attempt.  Sorry, it could be better!  

I will be home soon.  I am grateful to have closure.  I am grateful to be able to say I did my duty, I served faithfully and I can honestly say that I have no regrets.  That is what I wanted all along.  No regrets.  I love this work.  Hoy es un gran dia para ser una misionera.  I love Heavenly Father.  Just as I said in June 2013.  What greater gift can I give to my Heavenly Father than to serve a mission?  I still feel it isn't enough, and I know it's not.  But, I know that I can keep moving forward and that He is happy with what I have done.  

Finishing my mission is proof that I can do hard things.  I will continue to do hard things.  I love being a missionary.  I wish it wasn't over.  But there is more to come.  

I will see you soon.  Hopefully I don't get stuck in Chicago. ;)

Hermana AhMu

Monday, March 2, 2015

February 23, 2015

What a bummer!  I'm sorry y'all haven't been feeling well :(  

I'm getting a little concerned.  I am going to miss the Mexican snacks around here.  Do you know of any Mexican markets in KC?  I have things to show you guys and things to make...but if I need to I will bring them home in my luggage.  If not, we can just buy stuff there.  Let me know, please!!  I'm sure Abel would have an idea.

I'm sorry about the weather...it's pretty stinky around here too.  It's been around the 60's and it rained ALL day yesterday.  No one opened their doors yesterday except one family.  They fed us dinner.  They felt bad that we were so wet!  hahaha, we were SOAKED.  And cold!   

Things here are going SOOO WELLLL.  I love it here, we are teaching AMAZING people!  There will be baptisms soon.  I'm just sad that they will happen after I leave.  But it's okay.  It's still very exciting.  I see all the amazing things that are happening around here and I just want to stay another transfer! It's like once everything is perfect, I have to leave.  I know it's for a purpose though.  

Things here are good.  I am continually reminded of the date of my return home.  I am continually reminded of the amount of time I have left.  Everything is counted down for me and everyone around me is counting down for me.  It is sad.  But it is also amazing.  I am just thankful to be here now.  I am constantly reminded that this time is sacred, it was added on.  I don't have to be here, but I am so thankful I am!  Those things that President Cato said in my setting apart are coming to pass.  I almost thought they wouldn't a few weeks ago.  Moorpark is a place of healing for me.  A place of excitement!  A place of joy!  I am just sad I won't be here for much longer.  

I'm sorry if my letters don't seem to have much in them.  I will have many stories to tell when I am home!  But until then, my emails may contain a whole lot of nothing!!  Sorry!!

Well, I hope that you have a great week!!  I love you all.  

Hermana Ah Mu

February 16, 2015

I heard my flight plans changed, but I was told it was off by like 5 mins.  Maybe I heard wrong hahaha.  Oh well.  I guess more time to reflect.  Hopefully there aren't too many storms up in Chicago.  I don't think I will be in the mood for a delayed or canceled flight. ;)

I am so glad everyone is doing well!  Sounds like y'all are staying busy too.  That is great.  The missionaries in the ward sound like they are on top of it as well.  That is perfect! 

This week was good.  We have a been in contact with on of our investigators, Angelica, quite often lately.  Which is great.  We are really working with her to come to church.  I LOVE her!  She is so funny, and every time we come over she always has a meal for us.  (Seriously, I'm getting so fat!).  She makes goooood food!  We had my favorite, sopes, the other day.  They were perfect!  Hermana Garza was sick on Tuesday.  So we were in pretty much all day.  Saturday evening we had a branch fiesta!!  There was a DJ and a huge group of us there...like 40 people.  Haha, it was fun, it was a little shaky at first, but then things got fun after Hermana Garza and I turned off all the lights.  No one wants to dance in a well lit room, don't ask me why.  I don't know.  There was good food there too.  We had a family that we are working with come.  And they taught everyone how to do some dances, so that was perfect!! 

Everything is going so well!  I received my flight plans, the old ones, in the mail.  Along with some other paper work having to do with my departure.  It was weird, that's where things start feeling real.  But it's okay.  It will only get more and more real.  It won't catch me off guard this time. 

Thank you for all that you are doing to help me come back and get going.  I wouldn't be able to figure out school without y'all!  Thank you for the support.  I hope that you have a great week.


Hermana Ah Mu

February 9, 2015

Thank you so much for the email.  And for sharing that story!!  That is such great missionary work.  I will try to include Glenda and her family in my prayers as well.  

I want to see all the church history sites before I go back to school.  I am looking forward to that.  I am looking forwar to going back to school.  Ashley sent me some schedules to choose from, that was super helpful!!  It makes me so excited to get going.  I trust her and all that she has placed.  I am excited to see them again.

I am well aware of my time I have left...it's crazy.  But I really am looking forward to it.  Don't worry though, I am still her and want to be here.  :)  I love being a missionary.  It is just the greatest.  I am reminded that I go home everyday!  The time is counted down for me.  My planner has the number of weeks, the day reminds me of it.  I can't help it!  But I am glad that I am still here.  I would hate to have ended before.  I need this time.  I want to take full advantage of it.  

We had an awesome week!  We are teaching an amazing lady, Mina.  She is the mother of a recent convert.  Her son (the rc) is about to turn in his mission papers.  So she has obtained an interest in the church.  We explain to her that we would love to teach her about the exact things he will be teaching and knows are true.  And if she has any questions about the mission, or missionaries, or anything we would be here to answer for her.  We met her not this past friday, but the one before that.  And she came to church yesterday!! (she couldn't the sunday before because of the super bowl and they already had a party planned.).  But she will be coming to church on Sunday again!  We love her and can see her white!  She is so special.  

Hermana Garza got her patriarchal blessing yesterday!  She didn't have time to get it before the mission, so she had to get it here.  It was so neat.  It brought back memories of when I got mine.  

A man hugged me the other day.  That was weird and I hope it never happens again.  Atleast as a missionary anyway ;)

I am so grateful for you.  The mission has been so amazing, it is crazy that there is but a few weeks left now.  I am thankful for this experience, this gospel is a gospel of change.  I am living proof of the drastic change it can have on others!!  I am not the person I was over a year and a half ago, for that I am forever thankful!  I will never go back to that.  This is what brings me happiness and helps me to remain motivated until my job here is done.  :)

Have a great week!


Hermana Ah Mu

February 2, 2015 -- Thousand Oaks!

I LOVE IT HERE.  The area is so great!!  We are #114, we teach our neighbors in 115, so hopefully they will call us if they get the letter.  The branch is great, we are working on making it a ward.  We'll see what happens, hoping to combine it with the Newbury Park Spanish branch.  The only complication is both branches are in different stakes, but the other problem is people outside of our stake come to the branch here in TO.  So who knows.  Hopefully we'll somethings happen soon.  I did speak yesterday!  The branch president is great, he made sure that I told everyone how long I'd been out and that I only have 5 weeks left.  The work is awesome, we do not tract, tracting was cut out just before I got here and we work with members and referrals!  It is so cool!!  We teach lots of people!  I am in the Thousand Oaks 6th Branch.  

Dad has a mission companion that lives somewhere around here, I think Newbury Park which is like maybe 20 mins away.  I guess he has been trying to find me.  Maybe you and Dad could research more into that and let him know all he has to do is come to TO and find me!  Or contact some missionaries to get our number.  Does Dad know which one it is?

Hermana Garza is great, she is 19.  I think she just recently turned 19.  She is so young, I don't know why I feel like that because I am only 21, but there's seems to be a big difference!  She is so strong and works so hard!  Someone I need this transfer that is for sure.  Another one of the many reasons I am here right now, I'm sure of it.  We live with two Sister Missionaries serving in the English ward, Sister Cox and Sister De Vries.  They are fun!  We have a good time at home.  It is just a nice place to be.  

I asked Sister Castro if she remember the Navos, she just responded.  She said they knew them for a short time, but that they were a lovely family.  

Our church building is GIGANTIC.  It is referred to as the Thousand Oaks Temple.  It is so big!  I have taken pictures and will try to send them soon, you'll die it is so big!  

Well, things here are great, I look forward to hearing from Owen.  Hopefully I get the letter!  I love you guys!!  Have a great week!!


Hermana Ah Mu

Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 5, 2015

I'm old, huh? ;)

My birthday this year was so much more fun!!!  We had great food, great company and a great time!  We had lunch with the Hurst's.  Then diinner with the Dawson family!  It was a blast.  :)  Sister Dawson is taking us to the LA temple this Friday, so we look forward to that.  I have missed the temple.  

Some exciting things:

A less active we teach has been struggling a lot with pretty much everything.  We had a lesson with her on Friday evening.  She was so attentive and very engaged in the lesson.  It was the greatest lesson we'e ever had with her.  She is usually with another less active who really overpowers everyone during lessons.  So it was fantastic to be able to meet with her alone!  It obvioiusly helped!  Because yesterday she shared her testimony during sacrament meeting and it is so sweet and powerful.  She talked about prayer and how great of a difference it makes in her life.  It was awesome!

Another one.  Karla.  Her name and address was on a sticky note in our area book.  We didn't know anything else about her.  So about a month and a half ago we went to the address looking for her.  She opened the door and we invited her to church.  She told us she had just recently had the desire to come back to church but didn't know where to go or when.  (She hasn't been to church since she was like 10 and she is about 26 now).  It was amazing!  We were thankful that we were led to her home and found her because ever since that day she has been coming to church every Sunday.  She has so many connections with people in the ward too.  It is awesome!!

Thank you so much for the package!!  Hahaha, loved the empty phone box ;)  I also got the CD, it is a really good CD.  Thank you so much for that.  We always love new music.  

The days here are short.  I wake up and I am dead tired.  I wake up at 6:30 and think, "Oh my gosh.  I have to wait 16 hours until I can go back to sleep."  Sometimes it brings tears to my eyes only because I am so tired.  I get going and then some how it is already 9 pm and we are planning the next day.  I don't know where the day has gone.  I go to bed so tired.  Being spiritually worn out is far greater than being physically worn out.  Outside of the mission I didn't need so much sleep, but I think it's because I wasn't so spiritually drained.  The mission is the greatest spiritual draining I have ever felt in my life.  I can only relate it to the fatigue you feel after a session at the temple.  And even then you may not even be too tired.  

Someone asked me yesterday what the greatest missionary moment was for me.  I didn't feel I could answer it in the way she was expecting.  Only because I feet that for a lot people, they think the greatest missionary moments for missionaries are baptizing people.  That is not the case.  I told her something along the lines of this, "You know, the mission has not so much been about really baptizing many people or even seeing great, miraculous things.  My mission has been about me, converting me.  The greatest convert on my mission has been me, my mission has been about planting seeds.  Finding people and at least beginning the process of their progression in the gospel.  And helping those that have been lost along the way.  I love helping less active members come back.  I've seen a lot of that.  My mission has been a refiners fire.  Most things seem to have gone wrong.  But I have seen things have actually gone right the entire time.  The refiners fire is about enduring.  Not only enduring, but enduring well.  Enduring means happily and joyfully serving until the end.  Learning these things have been the greatest moments in my mission."  And I truly feel that way.  

I know our purpose as missionaries is to invite others to come unto Christ.  I know that is what I am doing.  I know that is what we are all doing!  Inviting others to come until Christ includes myself, my companion, other missionaries I serve with, less active members, members in the wards in which I serve, and all of the investigators.  So everyone!  I am confident that we all play a special part in the Lord's work.  He has called us for our strengths.  He knows my strengths, He knows who needs me and He knows who I need.  

I love being here!  Yes, I am still bugged by those thoughts of, "Dang, I could be home right now."  "I could be sleeping still if I was at home."  And all that goes along with that, but I know where those thoughts come from.  I know those tricks.  Those thoughts and wants are what will give me temporary gratification.  My desire to be here and serve are what give me the everlasting and eternal blessings.  And I know being here helps me become my best self.  

Thank you for all of the happy birthday wishes.  I can't believe I am 21!!  I am excited to see what this next year brings.  I hope you have a great week!  


Hermana Ah Mu