Okay. So it was the greatest feelings to have all my paper work submitted to the church. And to know that I will hopefully be able to return to my mission soon!! But here's the problem: I have to wait for them to call me up and tell me about flight plans and things. If anyone knows me well they would know I am not the most patient person in the world. I'm sure this is another one of Heavenly Father's attempts in helping me to obtain patience. Maybe it's helping me obtain patience in a small way...probably a very, VERY small way. But of course slowly, but surely helping me. Haha.
I just have to say I love the church. I love all of the many wonderful opportunities I have been given because of it. And the wonderful people I have in my life because of it. All of the things I have learned, all the things I do, really just everything. Everything that I believe in is a huge blessing to me. I'd love to say all that I am and all that I do is because of this church. As much as I wish that were true, it just isn't. Only because I know I can do better and try harder. Sometimes I can lose the focus, just like any other person. I always feel like there is something I can do better, I can always be more kind. I can always be more helpful to others. I can always be better. That's what this life is all about. Continually getting better. I can't say it perfectly, but I love the saying, "This gospel is to help bad men become good and good men to be better." Something along those lines. I can't even remember who said it...I'll edit this when I find out who...But that's what it is all about. It truly is a perfect gospel for imperfect people. I know that to be true. I know I am so imperfect. I am full of flaws. But I am thankful for the goals and expectations I have because I am a member of this church.
I hope I will be able to return to my mission. Quickly. I know that I can do more. I want to do more! God chooses the weak and simple to do His work. (Okay and there are some pretty darn strong servants of His too). But I know I am proof of His chosen weak and simple servants. I have really learned a lot about that. Ha! There's so many things I just don't get. I am so thankful for all that I am learning. And will continue to learn. I love this gospel. I loved being able to get up everyday to share it with others all day, everyday. I hope to be able to do it again! Soon!!!